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Keynote Presentations:

Keynote presentations are designed to meet the specific needs of your conference/event. Presentations are designed to be interactive and engaging and include a balanced use of humor, stories and educational information.

Recent keynote presentation titles along with the name of the organization/event include:

  • The Art of Skillful Leadership (The Rhode Island Volunteer Center Conference).
  • The Art of Skillful Leadership: Moving beyond AmeriCorps for a Lifetime of Service. (NCCC Central Region's Life After AmeriCorps Training).
  • Using our Super Powers for Compassionate Action (Colorado Governor's Commission's Annual National Service Conference - which had a super hero theme).
  • Contemplative Service-Learning (Notre Dame Mission Volunteers' National AmeriCorps Conference).
  • The Manure of Experience and the Field of Bodhi (Naropa University Commencement Address, Selected as Graduate Student Speaker).

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